tupalo.com, one of five or six austrian web 2.0 startups have somewhat paved a small path for me and have had actually gotten funded from an austrian fund. Applauded.
In a country however that is very much conservative with their capital and not to mention my idea’s radical and revolutionary nature, its likelihood of receiving any funds from an austrian angel would be circumstantial. In addition, according to Borras, tupalo’s founder, the angels here lack the networking and “know how” for these types of firms and talks have gotten no where for their latest expansion funding phase. I can conclude however that though it seems that I may have to clear my own trail up one of the austrian alpine peaks, some good news are coming from entrepreneurial folks like me. Alexander for example, from roadburner.com,speaks of how entrepreneurs falsely overestimate the role of money during their early years and instead should focus on overcoming their failures.