Currently interested in hyperspectral imaging & NeRFs.

experimenting and innovating in a new online society

The allowed possibilities of cheap communication tools and Google are ever more becoming an inconceivable paradigm shift to how we express ourselves and conduct businesses – at least for me.

It is horrifying however to imagine that some CEOs of large corporations and head of governments do not posses the slightness notion of this metastasis.   Creativity has gain new meanings. It is an age of talent abundance.  One may experience this with just one video of Youtube, a platform where every minute 10 hours of video are uploaded. Yet it seems the people who make important decisions that affect us all are afraid to experiment.  To quote leading innovation author Scott Berkun of HBS:

Experiments fuel creativity and change. Experimenting means you are intentionally going off the map and pushing beyond the status quo: you are doing something for which the outcome is uncertain, and doing it on purpose. It’s that uncertainty that creates the potential for big positive change.

The problem is that most business managers hate experiments. They want guaranteed returns. Predictable profits. Introducing uncertainty works against what they’re trying to do. The comedy is that whatever profits they’re talking about protecting originated from the founders of the company doing a huge experiment: starting a new company.

Experimenting leads to the risk of not knowing what the outcome will be. It is a learning process that ushers creativity and innovation and which displaces us from the norm. 

I believe creativity has always been part of us.  We now have however a public audience and we can be assured that our work will be made permanent. Despite other’s reluctance to embrace innovation democratization, I remain steadfastly with the belief that the future society will be govern by rules which ourselves have no control over.  Jeff Carvis explains:

…a new society… [with] the rules of that society, built on connections, links, transparency, openness, publicness, listening, trust, wisdom, generosity, efficiency, markets, niches, platforms, networks, speed, and abundance.