Currently interested in hyperspectral imaging & NeRFs.

don’t do list: economic meltdown edition

The association community has always been enamored with the Jim Collins idea of creating “stop doing lists,” so here is my brief stop doing list for association community leaders feeling frazzled by a steady diet of negative information about the state of the global economy.

1. STOP reacting to each daily dose of bad news–It’s appropriate to be serious and sober about what’s going on today, but don’t overreact to every wild stock market gyration or new government report. Focus on integrating today’s data into your long-term view.

2. STOP looking for shortsighted ways to retrench–It’s appropriate to conserve resources by eliminating unnecessary expenditures, but investments in building staff and organizational capabilities do not fall into that category. Focus on value creation as your top strategic priority.

3. STOP redoubling your efforts as a defensive strategy–It’s appropriate to concentrate on serving members well when they most need us, but the overused “doing more with less” rallying cry is a tired and unrealistic approach. Focus on your ability to deliver what’s most important.

via Principled Innovation LLC